Play smarter with GameID from CDDN

GameID recently went live, the CDDN-developed smart ecosystem for online gambling providers that enables them to rapidly onboard and actively monitor players. This way, online casinos automatically comply with all Dutch legislation and their duty of care. Peter van Kooten from CDDN explains the new tool.

“GameID has been very positively received both by online gambling providers and by the legislator,” reports Van Kooten. “And that isn’t surprising, because it offers both players and online casinos an extremely simple and effective means of logging in rapidly while simultaneously fulfilling all the necessary steps required by the Remote Gambling Act. It ensures that far fewer potential customers drop out early during onboarding and makes it possible to stay constantly informed of the most up-to-date player data.”

With GameID, new players can create an account in about two minutes that allows them to log in to multiple online casinos without having to re-enter all their details each time. Behind the scenes, CDDN performs all mandatory checks including address, email, phone number, age, passport details, bank account number, gambling limits, possible inclusion in the CRUKS register and even whether a player is insolvent, deceased or has moved. This way, fraud can be prevented very easily and it is impossible for problem gamblers to keep playing. Van Kooten: “Online gambling providers can watch in real time during onboarding, but also afterwards via the GameID dashboard. Not only does this provide them with comprehensive management information, but they can also communicate with their players quickly and directly.”

Extended support

Although many online gambling providers are convinced of the benefits of GameID, Van Kooten still notices some hesitation to actually implement the ecosystem. “Many providers are afraid that implementation will take a lot of time and money, but we can implement the complete integration within a week and offer extensive support. Since players can be onboarded much faster and all checks are carried out super-fast behind the scenes, it can save a lot of money. And if someone already has a GameID account, they can log in to any participating casino in seconds. If someone is not allowed to gamble for any reason, it is impossible for them to log in.”

Easy and safe

GameID not only offers many advantages for gambling providers, but also makes online gambling easier and safer for players. One account – which takes two minutes to create – provides access to multiple casinos and the self-set gambling limits mean they can never bet too much. All a player needs is a valid ID and an existing (non-business) bank account number. All data entered is stored securely and in accordance with all existing regulations. This does not apply to the BSN (citizen service number), which must be entered once to check whether someone has signed up to the CRUKS register. The CRUKS register is a list of players who are taking a break from gambling. An online gambling provider is obligated to check whether someone is on that list, based on their BSN. However, Dutch legislation states that the online gambling provider cannot store the BSN. And that doesn’t happen.

GameID is the ideal tool for gambling providers because:

  • New players can be onboarded rapidly and safely;
  • Far fewer players drop out during onboarding;
  • It offers a smart dashboard with comprehensive management information;
  • Player onboarding can be watched in real time;
  • Current player data is always available thanks to ongoing monitoring;
  • Quick and direct communication with players is possible;
  • It offers smart notifications via API, dashboard or email;
  • And every gambling provider automatically complies with all legislation and its duty of care.